News and events діти і війна

Commissioner: enemy shelling continues to take the lives of Ukrainian children - a five-month-old baby died in Kharkiv

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25 травня відзначається Міжнародний день зниклих безвісти дітей

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Commissioner: Russian troops continue to violate children's rights to life and health

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МОЗ запускає реєстр дітей, які зазнали травмувань внаслідок війни

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Rashists continue genocide of Ukrainian children

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Commissioner: The enemy continues to kill Ukrainian children and destroy educational institutions

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Commissioner: Every day Ukrainian children become victims of Russian aggression against Ukraine

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Commissioner: Every day Ukrainian children suffer from Russian aggression

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Commissioner: the number of dead and wounded Ukrainian children due to the military aggression of the Russian Federation is growing

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Rashists involve Ukrainian children to support the war against Ukraine

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Commissioner: Ukrainian children die and are injured every day due to Russian aggression

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Commissioner: Russia violates the fundamental right of children to life and health care on a daily basis

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Представник Уповноваженого відвідала українських дітей евакуйованих із Макарівського центру «Промінь надії» до Італії

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Commissioner: Russian aggression deprives Ukrainian children of the right to life and health care

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Commissioner: The number of Ukrainian children killed and injured as a result of Russian aggression is growing

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Commissioner: Russian aggression in Ukraine kills and injures children, destroys educational institutions

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Commissioner: Every day in Ukraine there are more children - victims of Russian aggression

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Rashists involve teenagers from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in hostilities

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Commissioner: The actions of the Russian occupation forces are a direct violation of the fundamental rights of children - to life and health

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The aggressor country is militarizing children in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions

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Уповноважений: через російську агресію щодня гинуть і травмуються українські діти

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Commissioner: Rashists continue to kill Ukrainian children and destroy educational institutions

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Commissioner: 197 children died and 1,014 educational institutions were damaged due to the war in Ukraine

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One of the worst manifestations of the crime of genocide is the forcible transfer of children from one ethnic group to another

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