News and events примусова мобілізація

Омбудсман: кримчан вербують у російське військо для служби в «ДНР»!

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Уповноважений: Злочинна мобілізація кримських татар у тимчасово окупованому Криму використовується Росією для фізичного знищення представників корінних народів

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Commissioner: In the temporarily occupied Crimea, the occupying power continues to forcibly mobilize young people

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Mass riots of Ukrainian citizens illegally mobilized into the russian army are brewing in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts

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Forced illegal mobilization of young people continues in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region

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Commissioner: Invaders threaten men with execution for refusing to fight against Ukraine at TOT of Luhansk region

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Illegal mobilization into the russian army continues in the temporarily occupied Crimea

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Active mobilization of men continues in the temporarily occupied territories

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In the temporarily occupied territories of Khakiv, Zaporizhia and Kherson oblasts, racists are forcibly mobilizing the local population

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The enemy is forcibly mobilizing residents of the temporarily occupied Izyum in the Kharkiv region to take part in the war against Ukraine

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Commissioner: the occupiers mobilize cultural figures, university students and their teachers

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In the occupied territories of Ukraine, Russian invaders are increasing forced mobilization

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Commissioner: occupiers mobilize children with disabilities and employees of strategic enterprises in ORDLO

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In the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the mobilization of Ukrainian citizens for hostilities on the side of the aggressor state continues

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In cities that are fully or partially captured by the racist army, forced mobilization into the aggressor armed forces begins

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The occupying power of the Russian Federation increases the rate of involvement of Crimean people in military service in the armed forces of the aggressor

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In the temporarily occupied Crimea, men are being forcibly mobilized to take part in the war with Ukraine

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Commissioner: ORDLO residents forcibly mobilized are used as a living cover for the racist army

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Commissioner: Elderly men and teenagers are forcibly mobilized in ORDLO

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Уповноважений: РФ та підконтрольні їй окупаційні адміністрації продовжують примусову мобілізацію в ОРДЛО

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Уповноважений: примусова мобілізація в ОРДЛО порушує міжнародне гуманітарне право

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Commissioner: Forced mobilization is prohibited by international humanitarian law

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