News and events Женевська конвенція про захист цивільного населення

Lyudmila Denisova calls on UN and Red Cross to take all measures to evacuate wounded soldiers from Azovstal

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Rashist terrorist forces killed 60 civilians in Belogorivka in the Luhansk region by bombing a school

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Rashists spread their propaganda to the temporarily occupied territory of Kherson and Zaporizhia regions

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Commissioner: occupiers forcibly "nationalize" business and cars at TOT of Luhansk region

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Rashists are taking hostage in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine not only Ukrainians but also citizens of other countries who enjoy immunity

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The rashists want to repeat the famine not only in Ukraine, but also to cause famine in the world

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The russian army is waging war against the civilian population of Ukraine using unconventional weapons prohibited by international humanitarian law

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Russia's aggressor army continues its massive strikes on peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure

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For fifty-two days, the enemy has been destroying Ukrainian towns and villages, striking at homes, schools, and civilian infrastructure

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Commissioner: the enemy carries out rocket attacks on the liberated territories

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Commissioner: Rashists kill peaceful Ukrainians every day and destroy houses

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According to city officials, there are now about 15,000 civilians in Izyum

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The number of victims of the racist army continues to grow today

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Rashist forces of aggression continue to wage a cynical war against the civilian population of Ukraine

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Every hour the enemy increases the number of war crimes committed in Ukraine. Every crime brings the leadership of the Russian Federation closer to the dock

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Kherson region in the temporary occupation suffers from the hands of russian invaders

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Commissioner: We hear more and more about the atrocities of the Russian occupiers against Ukrainian women

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The russian occupiers once again fired on food warehouses in the Luhansk region, trying to cause famine in the region

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Rashist forces of aggression continue to wage a cynical war against the civilian population of Ukraine

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Commissioner: by brutally killing the civilian population of Ukraine, the aggressor's troops continue to commit crimes against humanity

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The racist army continues to shell peaceful cities and civilian sites with weapons prohibited by international treaties

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Commissioner: Rashists abduct, illegally detain and ill-treat the population of the temporarily occupied territories

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Russian terrorists kidnap Mariupol residents and forcibly transport them to Russia

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Russia's aggressor army is shooting civilians every day, cynically striking peaceful inhabitants and civilian buildings

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