20/03/2022 16:38

Commissioner: Rashists abduct, illegally detain and ill-treat the population of the temporarily occupied territories

In the areas temporarily occupied by the enemy, racist militants continue to kidnap local authorities and activists.  Currently, the first deputy mayor of Energodar of Zaporizhia region Ivan Samoidyuk has been abducted.

 The russian armed forces detained him at a checkpoint at the entrance to the city and took him away in an unknown direction.

 The occupiers also put physical and psychological pressure on the active residents of Energodar.  They continue to look for those patriotic activists whose principled position they see as a threat.

 According to preliminary information, the russians have detained at least 12 local patriots in the last two days.  They were intimidated, taken out of the city, tortured and humiliated.

 In Berdyansk, racist militants detained dozens of protesters during a peaceful pro-Ukrainian rally.  Their whereabouts are currently unknown.

 When leaving the city of Mariupol, the occupiers force the men to undress and check for patriotic tattoos.

 The abductions, illegal detentions and degrading treatment of the population of the occupied territories violate Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

 I appeal to international partners by all possible means to increase the sanctions pressure and isolation of the aggressor state of the Russian Federation to release Ukrainian hostages and withdraw troops from all over our country.