News and events воєнний злочин

Уповноважений про інсценування російськими військовими здачі в полон: Це воєнний злочин

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Уповноважений: вбивство британського волонтера Пола Урі через катування - воєнний злочин, який стане ще одним доказом у трибуналі для Путіна

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Уповноважений: 40 днів ми працюємо над тим, аби отримати доступ до місця трагедії в Оленівці

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Russian invaders continue to carry out filtration measures in occupied Mariupol

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Commissioner: in Severodonetsk, the enemy is deliberately hitting places of gathering of civilians

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Forced illegal mobilization of young people continues in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region

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Russian occupiers block the departure of Ukrainian citizens from the Kherson region

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Commissioner: Rashists torture Ukrainian citizens in "filtration prison" in Olenivka village, Donetsk region

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Forward to the times of the Russian Empire! The invaders are dragging the occupied Ukrainian territories into the past at an accelerated pac

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Commissioner: Russia's actions at the Zaporizhzhya NPP are a war crime and an act of nuclear terrorism

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The aggressor country deprives the citizens of Ukraine the right to access the necessary medical care

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Commissioner: Rashists again dispersed pro-Ukrainian rally in temporarily occupied Kherson

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Commissioner: The enemy continues to use prohibited weapons against civilians

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In eastern Ukraine, heavy shelling continues - the enemy is covering residential areas of peaceful cities with fire

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Commissioner: Rashists torture hostages in temporarily occupied Kakhovka in Kherson region

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The russian occupiers are mounting terror in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region

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Commissioner: Rashists torture not only Ukrainians but also citizens of other countries

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The russians are mining the occupied territories of Ukraine

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Commissioner: in Kherson, looted by occupiers, racists call on citizens to collaborate with enemy

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The racist army turns Luhansk region into another Mariupol

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The level of brutality of the army of terrorists and executioners of the Russian Federation knows no bounds - raped children…

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Russian terrorists shot dead a boat with civilians with children from the "Hail"

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Commissioner: The killing of children is a crime against humanity and a war crime

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Commissioner: the destruction of the city of Mariupol by the racists is a terrible crime of genocide

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