News and events ОРДЛО

The occupiers continue to forcibly integrate Ukrainian youth into russia

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Commissioner: occupiers mobilize children with disabilities and employees of strategic enterprises in ORDLO

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Commissioner: ORDLO residents forcibly mobilized are used as a living cover for the racist army

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Commissioner: Elderly men and teenagers are forcibly mobilized in ORDLO

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Уповноважений: примусова мобілізація в ОРДЛО порушує міжнародне гуманітарне право

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The Commissioner met with British politicians and trade union leaders

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Commissioner: conscription of minors in ORDLO violates the Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War

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Commissioner: armed aggression of the Russian Federation leads to loss of human lives and destruction of civilian homes

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Commissioner: Forced mobilization is prohibited by international humanitarian law

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Commissioner: disconnection of the Internet and mobile communication in ORLO violates the right of Ukrainian citizens to information

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Представник Уповноваженого з дотримання прав жителів Донецької та Луганської областей взяв участь у Загальних координаційних зборах, проведених Офісом ООН

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Commissioner: The state of health of Vyacheslav Zasypka, a citizen of Ukraine, who is in illegal detention in the Yenakiyevo colony № 52 in the ORDO, is extremely critical after suffering torture

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Commissioner: a citizen of Ukraine Anton Hryhorov, who is in illegal detention in the Krasnolutsk Correctional Colony №19, has a disability of the second group

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