25/03/2022 16:52

Commissioner: the destruction of the city of Mariupol by the racists is a terrible crime of genocide

At least 300 civilians were killed by a racist rocket blast at the Mariupol Drama Theater.

According to eyewitnesses, it became known today that as a result of the rocket hit the building, people who were on the floors of the theater died.  This is about 300 civilians.  Including pregnant women and children.

Today Mariupol is crippled and defeated on the verge of survival.

The number of deaths from starvation is growing.  People do not have the strength to leave the city on foot to evacuate.  More and more people are left without any food supplies.  All attempts to launch a large-scale humanitarian operation to save the people of Mariupol are blocked by the russian side.

The destruction of the city of Mariupol by the racists is a terrible crime of genocide, established by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

I call on the UN International Court of Justice to take into account the facts of premeditated murders and tortures of civilians in Mariupol when considering the case of genocide of the Ukrainian people by the Russian Federation.

I ask the international community to speed up the establishment of an international military tribunal to bring to justice the criminal political and military leadership of the terrorist state for the criminal aggression against Ukraine.