25/03/2022 13:46

Commissioner: Russian shells continue to kill Ukrainian children and destroy educational institutions

As of 10 a.m. on March 25, 2022, according to the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, as well as other sources that need confirmation, 135 children (+7 per day) have died and 184 children (+12 per day) have been injured since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began.

It is impossible to establish the actual number of dead and wounded children due to the fact that the occupying forces are actively fighting in Ukrainian cities.

Two children aged 6 and 13 were injured in the shelling of settlements in the Donetsk region by the Russian military, and two children died: an 11-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy.

In the Zaporozhye region, three teenagers were injured due to careless handling of detonating ammunition.  found a dangerous object and played with it until it detonated.  The children were hospitalized, one in serious condition.

In the part of Kharkiv region occupied by racist troops, the invaders persuade collaborators to kidnap.  Those who agreed to work for the invaders kidnapped two of his minor sons from a resident of one of the cities of Kharkiv region.  Their father just went to another village for humanitarian aid to feed his six-month-old grandson.

As of today, 566 educational institutions have been damaged, 73 of which have been completely destroyed.  More than 230 schools and 155 kindergartens were damaged and destroyed.

Such actions by the Russian occupation forces are a direct violation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions.  The aggressor continues to defiantly violate the fundamental rights of children - the right to life and health, guaranteed to every child in the world by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

I call on the international community and international human rights organizations to help end the military attack on the Russian Federation.

I insist, NATO countries - close the sky !!

@NATO #closethesky #закрийтенебонадукраіною