18/02/2022 16:26

It is the duty of the state to ensure the right of family members of persons who have disappeared in special circumstances to find out the fate and whereabouts of their relatives

Due to the armed conflict of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, 258 people are considered missing in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The results of the Commissioner's monitoring of the observance of the rights of family members of persons missing in special circumstances, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Status of Missing Persons" of 12.07.2018 № 2505-VIII showed that for three years of the Law positive changes in its implementation happened. The Commission on Missing Persons has not considered the issue of initiating a search for missing persons or granting them the status of missing persons in special circumstances since its inception. In addition, the establishment of the Unified Register of Missing Persons, which is necessary to ensure the effective search for such persons, has not yet been ensured.

The Commission's inaction and delay in the search for missing persons has resulted in a violation of the right of their families to determine the fate and whereabouts of relatives under Article 24 of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, to which Ukraine acceded on 17 June 2015.

The Commissioners were repeatedly appealed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine to ensure the implementation of the functions assigned to the Commission and the need to provide funding to ensure its activities, which did not have a proper response. Expenditures to ensure the work of the Commission in the state budget of Ukraine for 2022 are not provided.

Family members of persons who have disappeared in special circumstances apply to the Commissioner for assistance in searching for and / or locating their relatives.

At the request of the NGO "Association of Relatives of Missing Persons" Nadiya ", which cares for the fate of missing persons and collects information about such persons, the official website of the Commissioner posted links to materials on 135 missing persons, formed by this organization.

In order to be able to obtain any information about these persons and establish their whereabouts, publications about each individual will be posted.

We urge you not to remain indifferent to the fate of missing persons and to report any information about the missing person:

to the "hot line of the Commissioner" by phone 0800501720 or e-mail hotline@ombudsman.gov.ua;

NGO "Association of Relatives of the Missing" Nadiya "by phone: 098-428-7266 or e-mail: hope12092015@gmail.com.