23/02/2022 15:39

Commissioner: the lives of residents of the frontline town of Shchastya in Luhansk region, including almost 2,000 children, are in danger

For the third day in a row, 11,000 residents of the frontline town of Shchastya, Luhansk Oblast, are in danger due to heavy shelling by Russian-controlled armed groups. There are 1,864 children living there, including 42 orphans. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

"Due to attacks on critical infrastructure, there are risks of shutting down hospitals, schools and kindergartens. This leads to a violation of children's rights to health care, education and decent living and development conditions, guaranteed by Article 6 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, "said Lyudmila Denisova.

According to her, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by 196 countries, including the Russian Federation, enshrines the obligation of states to take all possible measures to ensure the protection and care of children affected by armed conflict.

The Commissioner calls on the international community and human rights organizations to help stop violations of children's rights and increase pressure to end the Russian Federation's armed invasion of Ukraine.