15/03/2022 15:58

Commissioner: mass deforestation of Ukrainian forests planned by a terrorist state is a war crime

The terrorist state is planning mass deforestation of Ukrainian forests

This was stated in a letter from russian Defense Minister Shoigu to Putin.

The aggressor minister asks for permission for the total felling of Ukrainian "forests, trees, shrubs and greenery."  It is planned to cut down "any intensity and any age, regardless of ownership and category of land with the right to use the resulting wood."

At the same time, wood not used for the needs of the racist armed forces will be sold, and the proceeds will go to support the occupying army.

Today, without exception, all forests in the temporarily occupied territories are in the highest risk zone.

The last time this happened on the territory of Ukraine was during the Nazi occupation.

The total felling of greenery is another terrible crime of the occupiers and the creation of an ecocide.  Intensive deforestation leads to deforestation.  The area, free of trees, turns into a poor landscape, becomes uninhabitable.

Such actions will lead to the transformation of Ukraine into a dead desert and cause a humanitarian crisis in Europe and many countries around the world, to which generous gifts of Ukrainian land are exported.

According to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, war crimes include widespread, long-term and serious damage to the environment.

I call on the world community to apply all possible sanctions against the terrorist state of the Russian Federation to withdraw racist troops from Ukraine and stop the atrocities on our land.