09/04/2022 14:20

The Commissioner calls on the UN to take a proactive position to protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens

UN Secretary-General Anthony Guterres has responded to yesterday's missile strike on a Kramatorsk train station and called for an immediate investigation into the incident and an end to the brutal war.  This was stated by the spoke person  of the UN Secretary General Stéphane Dujarric.

I emphasize that the formula for ending the war is simple - Russia must withdraw its troops from the entire territory of sovereign Ukraine.

For eight years, Russia has ignored the principles proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, killed civilians, children, raped women, and destroyed Ukrainian cities and villages.

I am convinced that the consequences of Russian crimes will be proven legally at the international, national and regional levels, but before that, the member states of the United Nations, which was created to preserve world peace, must take a firm stand: Russia is an aggressor and a murderer.

I call on Anthony Guterres and the member states of the organization to take a proactive position to protect the rights of citizens of Ukraine, the founding member of the United Nations, from the aggressor of the Russian Federation.

On the battlefield - weapons, on the legal field - support and recording of all crimes of the invading army.