19/03/2022 18:26

Уповноважений закликає країни-члени ООН прискорити створення Спеціального трибуналу для покарання злочину агресії РФ проти України Upovnovazhenyy zaklykaye krayiny-chleny OON pryskoryty stvorennya Spetsialʹnoho trybunalu dlya pokarannya zlochynu ahresiyi

Every new hour of Russia's war against Ukraine takes the lives of civilians.  The aggressor's aircraft, missiles and army are destroying towns and villages and, worst of all, maiming and killing our children.

Today, as a result of the shelling, a residential building in the town of Rubizhne in the Luhansk region was destroyed - people were trapped.

Two children without signs of life were rescued from the rubble, rescuers performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but, unfortunately, emergency medical workers pronounced them dead.  A dead woman and a child were also rescued from the ruins.  The child was saved, her condition is satisfactory.

As a result of the air strike on Makarov, Kyiv region, seven people were killed and five were injured.  Residential buildings were destroyed, an administrative building and other premises were damaged.

An apartment building caught fire in the town of Vorzel in the Kyiv region as a result of the shelling.  More than 30 apartments burned down. The number of victims is currently being clarified.

Avoiding hostilities and openly fleeing the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the racist army directs its entire combat arsenal against unarmed civilians.

According to Article 48 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, relating to the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts, hostilities are to be directed only against military installations.  The party violating these norms is responsible for all actions committed by persons who are members of its armed forces (Article 91).

The political and military leadership of the Russian Federation, on the bench of the military tribunal, must be held accountable for all atrocities and crimes committed on Ukrainian soil.

I ask the International Criminal Court to consider these next crimes of the russian occupation forces as evidence in the case of the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

I call on UN member states to speed up the establishment of a Special Tribunal to punish the crime of aggression against Ukraine.