26/02/2022 13:33

Уповноважений: з цинічною жорстокістю війська РФ вбивають українців

On the third day of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, aggressive military actions of the enemy's armed forces lead to large-scale violations of the right to life and security of the citizens of our country.

The aggressor is purposefully firing rockets, heavy artillery at civilian targets and civilians in Kyiv and 17 regions of Ukraine.

At 8-15 am the rocket hit a multi-storey building on the street. Lobanovsky 6a, Solomyansky district of Kyiv. Five upper floors were damaged, rescuers evacuated residents and put out the fire. There is a threat of destruction of the whole house. The number of victims is being clarified.

As a result of the fighting of the enemy's sabotage groups, 35 residents of the capital were wounded that night, including 2 children.

In Kharkiv, the Kharkiv Regional Children's Hospital, located on Klochkivska Street, came under enemy fire. The children were dropped in time in the bomb shelters and the victims were avoided.

Two conductors were injured in the shelling of the Kupyansk railway station in the Kharkiv region. The victims are in the city hospital and received medical treatment.

On the territory of Ukraine, the military forces of the Russian Federation fire on civilian vehicles and civilian infrastructure.

In all regions of Ukraine, where the presence of enemy troops is recorded, there are casualties among the inhabitants - dead and wounded.

I appeal to the international community - colleagues, partners, friends! The statements of the leadership of the aggressor state that the Russian armed forces will not shoot at civilians and civilian objects is a deception!

With cynical cruelty, his troops kill adults and children. Thousands of Ukrainians are leaving their homes and evacuating to other regions and abroad.

I urge you to increase sanctions pressure on the Russian Federation to immediately cease hostilities and human rights violations on the territory of Ukraine and to establish a no-fly zone over Ukraine to protect civilians from air strikes.

Ukraine is fighting! Ukraine needs your help!