15/02/2022 18:32

The Commissioner took part in a solemn event on the occasion of the Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Operations in Other States

On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of Combatants in Other States, the Ukrainian Parliament's Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmila Denisova took part in a solemn event organized by the All-Ukrainian Association of Veterans of Afghanistan and ATO.

The Ombudsman expressed her sincere gratitude to Serhiy Kunitsyn, Chairman of the Advisory Council under the President of Ukraine and Head of the All-Ukrainian Association of Veterans of Afghanistan and ATO, for many years of cooperation in protecting the rights of combatants, veterans and their families.

Lyudmila Denisova also thanked the internationalist soldiers who became a worthy example of devotion to their work, heroism and courage. For the eighth year in a row, they are sharing their combat experience with the current defenders of Ukraine, bravely defending the independence and integrity of the Motherland.

"I continue to monitor the observance of the rights of combatants, veterans and members of their families. This direction is a priority of my activity as the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, "the Commissioner emphasized.