25/02/2022 15:47

Уповноважений: вторгнення РФ в Україну та обстріли населених пунктів призводять до порушення права на життя українських дітей

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the shelling of settlements violate the right to life of Ukrainian children.

 As of 2 p.m., two more young children in the village of  Kondrashchivka in Kharkiv region and a 12-year-old child in Melitopol, Zaporizhia, due to artillery shelling in private homes.

 As a result of heavy armor shelling of an orphanage in the town of Vorzel in the Kyiv region, 51 children are currently at risk of life and health, 3 of whom have severe health problems and 15 infants.  Two buildings of the institution were damaged.

 In Okhtyrka, Sumy region, the Russian military shelled a shelter and a kindergarten.  The civilian population includes the dead and wounded, including children.

 The aggressor's actions violate the rights of children enshrined in Articles 6, 16, 38 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the obligation to protect children affected by armed conflict.

 I call on the international community to show its commitment to the principle of "no other children" and to increase sanctions against the Russian Federation in order to stop the armed invasion of Ukraine and violate the fundamental right of children - the right to life and healthy development:

 1. Cut off Russia from SWIFT;
 2. Protect Ukrainian airspace;
 3. Send NATO troops to Ukraine.