08/03/2022 18:27

Commissioner: Enemy exterminates peaceful Ukrainians, cynically violating the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949

As a result of military shelling of the aggressor of the civilian minibus three educators of an orphanage were killed.

Today in the Nikolaev area near the regional center the russian terrorists on military transport with a mark "Z" shot the minibus with staff of an orphanage of family type.  The minibus was marked with red cross signs!

Three women educators of the orphanage died on the spot.  The minibus caught fire.  Two more people received shrapnel wounds.

Targeted fire on civilians and civil transport is a war crime and a cynical violation of  Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts  (August 12, 1949).

I ask the international community to take into account these facts of extermination of peaceful Ukrainians, to increase the sanctions against the terrorist state as much as possible and to finally decide to close the skies over Ukraine.

@NATO #closethesky #закрийтенебонадукраіною