02/03/2022 12:23

Уповноважений: ворог вбиває лікарів, цілеспрямовано обстрілює лікарні та медтранспорт, порушуючи право на життя та здоров’я українців

In carrying out an aggressive attack on Ukraine, the troops of the Russian Federation are carrying out targeted shelling of medical facilities and medical transport, violating the right to life and health of Ukrainians.

Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949, Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces of 12 August 1949, Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and Protection of Victims of International Armed Conflicts  ), strict requirements for the protection of medical personnel, medical vehicles and medical institutions.

International humanitarian law prohibits attacks on medical personnel and facilities during armed conflict.

But the enemy insidiously targets hospitals and kills medics. Near Kyiv, the occupiers shot doctor M. Kalabina, who was trying to save a child injured by them.

The artillery fired at Hospital 3 in Kharkiv, Vasylivka Hospital in Zaporizhia Oblast, a military hospital near Kyiv, and maternity hospitals in mm.  Zhytomyr and Mariupol and many other institutions.

At the same time, the occupier refuses to establish "green corridors" for the removal of the wounded and civilians and the delivery of medicines.  Leaving both Ukrainians and their own military to their deaths.

Such actions of the interventionist are another evidence of the genocide of the Ukrainian people and should be taken into account by the criminal court in The Hague.

I appeal to the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine, as part of my mandate, to promote the establishment of "green corridors" for the evacuation of civilians and the wounded from active combat areas and the provision of appropriate humanitarian assistance.

I ask the international community to take into account these facts of extermination of peaceful Ukrainians, to increase the sanctions against the terrorist state as much as possible and to finally decide to close the skies over Ukraine.

Ukraine is fighting not only for itself, Ukraine is fighting for the whole civilized world!