25/02/2022 13:01

Уповноважений вітає заяву Верховного комісара ООН з прав людини Мішель Бачелет щодо вторгнення РФ в Україну

I welcome the statement by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michel Bachelet, who strongly condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine and called for an immediate end to hostilities against our country.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights stressed that the Russian Federation violates international law and endangers the lives of a large number of civilians. The protection of civilians must be a priority.

I express my gratitude to the UN and its Monitoring Mission in Ukraine for their unconditional support of Ukraine and our people during the most terrible trials and struggles for the lives of people and the existence of our state.

Despite the harsh condemnation of the United Nations and the entire progressive international community, the Russian aggressor continues to shell settlements in almost all of Ukraine.

The capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, as well as major cities - Kharkiv, Odessa, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Lviv and others - are being hit by missiles and bombings, as a result of which civilians are dying.

Civilians and the military are suffering increasing casualties.

By its military actions against Ukraine, Russia is violating the UN Charter, norms of international law, and international conventions to which official Moscow is a party.

I once again call on Ukraine's international partners to put as much pressure as possible on Russia to end its military aggression against our state, against international law, and against our people.