13/01/2022 10:05

Ombudsman: serviceman Roman Onyschuk has been in captivity in ORLO for seven years without any contact with relatives and lawyers

Roman Onyschuk, the serviceman, has been held captive in the ORLO for seven years without any contact with relatives or lawyers. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

The Ombudsman reminded that Roman was from Lviv region and worked on the railway before the mobilization. After receiving a summons from the military registration and enlistment office on partial mobilization, he joined the anti-terrorist operation forces. As part of the 24th separate mechanized brigade, he defended the Luhansk region from the Russian aggressor.

On June 14, 2015, he was taken prisoner during one of his combat missions. From the time of his detention until January 2018, Roman Onyschuk was considered missing.

Only during an exchange in December 2017, it became known from previously released citizens of Ukraine that Roman is alive and in the Luhansk pre-trial detention center. Since then, relatives have not received any messages or phone calls. The family still does not know Roman's exact whereabouts and health. Roman Onyschuk's stay in Luhansk, which was temporarily occupied, was later confirmed by an international humanitarian mission.

«Concealment of Roman Onyschuk in captivity is a violation not only of Ukrainian law but also of international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Rules of War, the Additional Protocols to the 1977 Geneva Conventions and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. people of 1950», - Lyudmila Denisova emphasized.

The Commissioner appealed to the ICRC leadership in Ukraine to urgently establish Roman Onyschuk's whereabouts and facilitate his immediate release.

The Ombudsman also asked the OSCE coordinator in the humanitarian subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Charlotte Relander, to intervene personally to find out about and provide assistance to prisoner of war Roman Onyschuk.