07/05/2022 16:37

Ukrainians are forced to accept the citizenship of the self-proclaimed "LPR". Otherwise, citizens will face repression

In the occupied city of Sorokine in the Luhansk region, the process of issuing "LPR" passports for Ukrainian citizens forcibly removed from the recently occupied territories has begun.

People are deprived of homes, property and money, so they are forced to agree to these conditions, because only in this way it is possible to receive payments in rubles, food kits and medical care.

Representatives of the occupiers hold "preventive talks" with them, during which people are informed that if they refuse to acquire the citizenship of the so-called "LPR", they will lose any means of subsistence and repressive measures will be applied to them.

Forced passportization is illegal and not recognized in Ukraine, it is contrary to the principles and norms of international law and is a direct violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of human rights violations in Ukraine.