26/02/2022 13:40

Уповноважений: українці дають гідну відсіч військам загарбника на усіх напрямках дій

60 hours ago, the enemy invaded our native country and launched an offensive in almost all its regions.

Using the effect of surprise, the aggressor hoped to demoralize our Armed Forces, the security and defense sector and the civilian population in a flash, and to seize regional centers, including the capital of Ukraine.

His hopes were dashed.  Ukrainian servicemen and fighters of territorial defense - brave, courageous, collected, men and women give a worthy rebuff to the troops of the invader in all areas of hostilities.  At the cost of our lives fighting for our freedom and independence.

Our heroes do not retreat!  Valiantly fulfilling their duty, they show the world who the Ukrainian Soldiers are.

Under the slogan "our strength is in our unity!"  the military is not far behind the workers of the rear - doctors, social workers, railway workers, law enforcement officers, volunteers selflessly and in an organized way save lives, organize evacuations, support the defense capabilities of our state.

A low bow to you, our defenders, military and civilian!  You are our pride, honor and color of the nation!  We pray for you!

Glory to Ukraine!