08/03/2022 11:18

Commissioner: in Mariupol the enemy commits genocide of the Ukrainian people

For eight days now, the residents of Mariupol have been occupied under constant shelling without water, food, heat and communication.

 The ring blockade by the military troops of the Russian Federation forced the residents of the city to use melted snow as water.  For eight days, the city remains cut off from water, electricity and gas, telephone and mobile communications.

 Due to enemy insidious shelling  of humanitarian corridors and the city itself, the evacuation was disrupted for several days in a row.

 It is currently impossible to determine the number of dead and wounded civilians.

 The aggressor state is taking all measures to destroy the population and turn the city of Mariupol into a "scorched desert".

 This is another fact of genocide of the Ukrainian people and violation of the requirements of the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

 I appeal to the International Committee of the Red Cross to take all possible measures to ensure the evacuation of the residents of Mariupol.

 I ask NATO member states to close the skies over Ukraine!

@NATO #closethesky #закрийтенебонадукраіною