10/05/2022 17:19

Evidence of the terror of rashist troops in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine appears every day

Kindergarten teachers from Donetsk are forced to go to Mariupol.

They were ordered to select staff to work both in Mariupol itself and in nearby settlements - Mangush, Nikolskoe, Yalta.  The russian occupation administration explains this by the need to "organize work on the ground."

The staff of banking institutions is selected in a similar way.  It is expected that the management of the local financial sector will be completely under the control of the occupiers.

In Zaporizhia, russians at their checkpoints do not allow peaceful Ukrainian citizens from Melitopol and Berdyansk who want to leave the occupied territories.  In the evacuation columns, which are forced to stand at checkpoints for several days - women, children, the elderly.

In Melitopol, soldiers of the occupying army, under the guise of searching for guerrillas and saboteurs, broke into private garages and conducted searches, and then stole cars.  In addition, the invaders occupy the apartments of Melitopol residents who left for the territory controlled by Ukraine.

After the occupation of the city of Kreminna in Luhansk region, the rashists robbed the military lyceum "Cadet Corps.  heroes of the Young Guard ", schools and hospitals - all equipment and property were taken away.

Near Kharkiv, police found the bodies of three civilians shot dead by the russian military.

The dead were found on the road in the direction of the Circus.  This village, located just 2 kilometers from Kharkiv, was occupied by the russian military on February 24 and liberated by the Ukrainian military on May 7.  The russian military destroyed a high school building in the village that survived World War II.

Terror and ill-treatment of civilians in the occupied territories is a war crime under the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.