01/05/2022 15:01

Every day there is more and more evidence of terror of peaceful Ukrainians at the hands of the racist horde

On April 29, a pit with the bodies of three men was found in the Bucha district, killed by russian soldiers and then brutally killed.

The victims were tortured for a long period of time, and bullet wounds were found on their limbs.  Finally, each of the men was shot in the ear.

The burial site was located in the woods near the village of Myrotske, the victims' hands were tied, cloth was wrapped around their faces to close their eyes, and some men had gags in their mouths.  There are traces of torture on the corpses, as well as gunshot wounds to various parts of the body.

According to preliminary police data, the occupiers tried to hide the traces of abuse of Ukrainian citizens, so they threw the bodies into a pit and covered them with earth.

In total, investigators examined 1,202 bodies of civilians killed by the russian occupiers in the Kyiv region.

Russian occupiers intimidate and forcibly deport residents of Kupyansk, Kharkiv Oblast, and neighboring settlements to the Russian Federation.  In addition, the occupiers are spreading fake information about the alleged capture of Kharkiv, Kyiv and Zaporizhia.

In Berdyansk, according to locals, the occupiers are walking around the apartments and houses from which Berdyansk left to house collaborators and people who came from the so-called "DPR" and agreed to work in the city council.

In the Melitopol district, which is under temporary russian occupation, farmers are forced to sell grain for nothing, and those who refuse are forced to seize grain under the barrels of machine guns.

Terror and ill-treatment of civilians in the occupied territories is a war crime under the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I call on the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.

I call on international partners to provide weapons to fight the aggressor country of Russia!