27/03/2022 11:37

Once again, Russia has committed an act of nuclear terrorism

The day before, the aggressor country fired on a nuclear research facility - "Source of Neutrons", located on the basis of the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology in the Pyatykhatky area.

 It is not yet possible to estimate the extent of the damage due to the ongoing fighting.  The shelling and damage to the facility could lead to an environmental catastrophe, as the facility, like all nuclear facilities, is not designed to operate in combat.

 This is the third attempt by the enemy to destroy a nuclear installation - on March 6, 2022, the shelling damaged the air conditioning cables of the cooling system, heating main, the surface of the main building, on March 10, 2022, Russian bombing damaged power lines, which cut off power.

 Pursuant to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, signed by both Ukraine and the Russian Federation, war crimes include intentional assault when it is known that it will cause accidental widespread, long-term and serious damage to the environment that is not commensurate.  with the expected military advantage.

 I call on the international community to respond to the next act of nuclear terrorism by the aggressor countries, which could lead to irreparable consequences not only for Ukraine but also for humanity, and to take all possible measures to ensure the safety of nuclear facilities.