06/04/2022 15:27

Rashists kidnap Ukrainian civilian men and then hand them over as "prisoners of war"

There is evidence that retreating from the Kyiv region, russian troops abducted civilian Ukrainians, who are now being shown in the media as "captive" servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Our citizens have been disguised in military uniforms and forced to take part in propaganda videos on YouTube and TV channels.  One of the men in the video was recognized by his relatives.

The mass abduction of civilians was also reported by a Ukrainian serviceman released from Russian Rashists kidnap Ukrainian civilian men and then hand them over as "prisoners of war."

There is evidence that retreating from the Kyiv region, Russian troops abducted civilian Ukrainians, who are now being shown in the media as "captive" servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Our citizens have been disguised in military uniforms and forced to take part in propaganda videos on YouTube and TV channels.  One of the men in the video was recognized by his relatives.

The mass abduction of civilians was also reported by a Ukrainian soldier released from Russian captivity, he reported that more than 40 of our civilian prisoners were being held in the Kursk (Russian) pre-trial detention center.

In addition, the racist media yesterday reported on the elimination of 93 «Ukrainian deserters» from Mariupol who fled in civilian clothes.  In fact, this may indicate the mass execution of Ukrainian civilians.

Such actions by the Russian Federation are war crimes and crimes against humanity under Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and in direct violation of Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Articles 9 and 21 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.  Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States under the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these war crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.