03/04/2022 14:52

Commissioner: Rashists terrorize rural population of temporarily occupied Kherson region

Without communication, electricity, food, medicine and even water, looted shops, destroyed houses - this is how villages in the occupied Kherson region live today.

The Stanislav community was under constant fire from enemy artillery.  The village is home to the famous clay rocks, which tourists called the Ukrainian Grand Canyon.

Stanislav is already half-destroyed.  No connection with other villages of the community.  Most of the houses and the school were destroyed.  People are forced to live in broken houses, hide in basements.

They ask to allow evacuation, but the occupiers do not allow people to leave.

The third week in the occupation of the village of Vysokopillya.

People are left without water, electricity, gas, many have run out of food.  The occupiers are constantly firing on the village.  Many buildings are completely destroyed.

Rashists rob, kidnap and kill civilians.  Documents and mobile phones were selected from civilians.

Terror of civilians is a war crime defined by the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during Russia's Military Invasion of Ukraine and the expert mission set up by the OSCE participating States under the Moscow Mechanism to take into account these war crimes and crimes against humanity and human rights in Ukraine.