02/03/2022 19:20

Уповноважений провела телефонну розмову з Уповноваженим з прав людини Польщі Марціном Вєчеком

She had a telephone conversation with the Polish Commissioner for Human Rights, Marcin Wieczek.

They discussed the current state of affairs on the situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border and the observance of the rights of Ukrainian refugees, the number of which in Europe today reached 836 thousand.

Currently, several hundred cars and queues of pedestrians are observed at the Smilnytsia, Shigini and Krakivets checkpoints.  Thousands of Ukrainians are waiting for trains to Poland at Lviv railway station.

Mr. Vecek informed that the staff of his office visits the checkpoints on the border with Ukraine every day and promotes the observance of the rights of refugees.  Currently, humanitarian aid has been prepared for Ukrainians who are still waiting to cross the border.

The Polish Commissioner for Human Rights expressed deep condolences to the suffering of the Ukrainian people due to the aggressive military actions of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and noted that he plans to visit checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

I thanked Mr. Vecek for his support and assistance and invited him to visit our country after the Victory over the Russian intervention.