30/03/2022 14:12

Commissioner for the shelling of the ICRC building in Mariupol: the only ones who resorted to such shelling were the troops of Hitler's Germany

In Mariupol, the occupiers aimed at the building of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Enemy aircraft and artillery fired on a building marked with a red cross on a white background, indicating the presence of wounded, civilian or humanitarian cargo.

There is currently no information on the victims.

This is another war crime of the tussian army in accordance with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and a gross violation of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Until now, the only ones who shelled buildings and vehicles marked with red crosses were the troops of Hitler's Germany.

I call on the world community to condemn the barbaric actions of the occupying country in shelling the ICRC building and to take measures to end the bloody war on the territory of Ukraine as soon as possible.