28/01/2022 14:21

Commissioner: legal status of 444 political prisoners and hostages regulated by law

The legal status of 444 political prisoners and hostages has finally been settled!

The Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova welcomes the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Law of Ukraine “On the Social and Legal Status of Persons Deprived of Deprivation of Personal Liberty as a Result of Armed Aggression against Ukraine and Members of Their Families” (№ 6104). register of political prisoners.

The law defines the grounds and procedures for establishing this fact, as well as provides a number of social guarantees. In particular, it enshrines the possibility of providing medical and rehabilitation care, sanatorium treatment to persons who have been deprived of personal liberty as a result of armed aggression against Ukraine.

In addition, after their release, the costs of professional legal assistance provided to protect their rights and legitimate interests will be reimbursed.

"Currently, Russia is persecuting 130 Ukrainian citizens on politically and religiously motivated charges, 121 of whom are in prison (15 in the temporarily occupied Crimea, 106 in the Russian Federation) and 9 people deprived of their freedom of movement. 76 people have already been sentenced to long terms, the remaining 45 people are on trial and investigation, "said Lyudmila Denisova.

In addition, 314 Ukrainian citizens, including 33 women and 44 servicemen, are being held illegally in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts.

Prisoners include parents with many children, people with serious illnesses, community journalists and human rights activists.

"For each name on the list - a man with a history. It is our duty to return each of them to their homeland! ”The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine stressed.