21/02/2022 21:05

Commissioner: by shelling residential buildings and strategic objects, the occupying country violates the right of Ukrainian citizens to a safe life

As a result of shelling by illegal armed groups, the Luhansk thermal power plant was shut down. The frontline city of Happiness is left without electricity, water and heat. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

There are 4,150 subscribers in the city without heating, including 20 budget social facilities and 141 residential buildings. 1350 subscribers without water supply. 2160 subscribers without electricity.

The Zirochka kindergarten in Shchastya was also damaged by a large-caliber machine gun. There were no children in the institution, the premises were planned to be used as a heating station.

In neighboring Vrubivka, shelling damaged a gas pipeline and a power line: 200 consumers in the private sector - without gas and electricity. Locals were forced to hide in bomb shelters.

Due to the shelling of the militants, the Donetsk filtering station, which is located in the "gray zone", was de-energized. As a result of the station shutdown, the water supply to Avdiivka and three settlements of the Ocheretyn community - Lastivchyny, Orlivka and Verkhnotoretsky - was temporarily suspended. In total, more than 29,000 people were left without water.

"By shelling strategic objects, the occupying country violates the right of Ukrainian citizens to a safe life guaranteed by part 2 of Article 2 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and neglects the right to decent conditions," said Lyudmila Denisova.

The Commissioner calls on the international community to respond to the violation of the fundamental right to life and to increase pressure on the Russian Federation to end the neglect of human rights in hostilities.