07/03/2022 17:44

Commissioner: Radiation safety requirements are violated at the Chernobyl-occupied occupiers and in the exclusion zone

At the captured by the occupiers Chernobyl nuclear power plant and in the exclusion zone, the russian military is violating radiation safety requirements.

 Uncontrolled movement of soldiers and military equipment at the enterprise, in the exclusion zone and beyond is carried out.  This leads to a deterioration of the radiation situation at the facility and in the exclusion zone, and also contributes to the spread of radioactive contamination outside the exclusion zone.

 According to the State Commission for Atomic Settlement of Ukraine information, regulatory control over the state of nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear facilities and other facilities at the Chernobyl site and in the exclusion zone is currently impossible.  In addition, as of March 6, several neutron flux, gamma-dose, and radiation pollution sensors at the “Shelter facility” failed, making it impossible to monitor criticality and a number of radiation parameters.

 Lack of proper control over the functioning of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant threatens international environmental security in general!

 According to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, signed by both Ukraine and the Russian Federation, war crimes include intentional assault when it is known that it will cause accidental widespread, long-term and serious damage to the environment incomparable to  expected military superiority.

 I call on international human rights organizations to take all possible measures to increase pressure on the Russian Federation to end military aggression against Ukraine and deoccupy high-risk areas.

 I ask NATO member states to close the skies over Ukraine!

 @NATO #closethesky #закрийтенебонадукраіною