25/04/2022 15:54

Commissioner: at the TOT of Kharkiv region, racists are misinforming and intimidating the local population

In the Kharkiv region, russians are trying to demoralize the local population by spreading fakes.

Rashists are spreading information that "Ukraine has cut off electricity supplies to settlements" and that "Kharkiv is almost occupied by the russians."

The occupiers are tightening control over telephone and Internet networks - equipment of the russian mobile operator Megafon is being installed in the Kharkiv region.

The settlement in russian rubles is being introduced, and the local population is agitating to go to Russia to buy goods and medicines.

Nevertheless, a wide volunteer movement is unfolding in the occupied territories of Kharkiv region.  People continue to organize themselves for mutual assistance.

In Velykoburlutskyi district, volunteers deliver food and necessary medicines to low-income people.  To do this, volunteers raise funds themselves, fundamentally refusing russian "help".

Intimidation, degrading and ill-treatment of the population of the occupied territories violates Articles 3 and 34 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War and Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of human rights violations in Ukraine.