29/04/2022 18:02

Puppet pseudo-state formations of the Russian Federation LDNR terrorize entrepreneurs and farmers

Last week, the district was visited by the «minister of agricultural policy of the Lughansk People's Republic”, who met with heads of agro-industrial enterprises and demanded mandatory "re-registration" of farmers in the pseudo-republic and sowing wheat instead of soybeans traditionally grown in these areas.  Grain should be sold exclusively to the agroholding selected by the LPR gang.

In addition, information about the referendum on joining the Russian Federation on May 15, 2022 is being spread among the population of Troitsk district.

The occupying power of the Russian Federation in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region resorted to planning and "legalization" of misappropriation of property of citizens of Ukraine.

The illegal pseudo-state formation "DPR" issued a "resolution of the State Defense Committee of the DPR" №27 of 21.04.2022 on "state regulation in the field of unfinished construction", which introduces a register of unfinished construction and appropriation of such facilities.

In addition, issued a resolution of the "State Committee for Defense of the DPR" №33 from 26.04.2022 on "settlement of registration of actions in the liberated territories, which were temporarily under the control of Ukraine."  This document obliges enterprises to undergo mandatory registration with the occupying authorities, with further inspections of the occupiers of these enterprises.

The decree stipulates that the heads of enterprises had to submit all relevant documentation for inspection to the occupation authorities within a certain period of time.

If a person refuses to provide documents, register or make cash payments to the "budget", sanctions will be applied to him - a check to "protect the interests of the republic."

Such actions of Russia and its pseudo-state formations are an act of annexation and a gross violation of Article 2 of the UN Charter, the Declaration of Principles of International Law on Friendly Relations and Cooperation between States under the UN Charter of 1970, and a violation of property rights guaranteed by Article 33 of Geneva.  the 1949 Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I call on the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.