28/02/2022 10:30

Уповноважений: місто Волноваха на Донеччині перебуває на межі гуманітарної катастрофи

As a result of constant shelling, Volnovakha is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.  Residents, who are mostly in shelters and basements, lack food, drinking water and medicine.

Citizens say that heavy artillery shelling of residential areas is constant: "таке flies so heavy that it leaves funnels three to five meters away", "… there is no water for several days.  There is no electricity because the substations are broken.  No gas.  It is not possible to bring bread or food… ».

The central district hospital of the city works on generators, ambulances do not leave because they are actually shot by the enemy.  Assistance is provided to those who may come or who are brought by residents.

Currently, there are 11 wounded Ukrainian citizens in Volnovakha, no information about the dead.

The occupiers came under fire, including social and medical facilities, and the invaders hit the ENT building.  The city is virtually blocked by the Russian military.  Local authorities have set up a headquarters to act quickly when the shelling stops.

The actions of the Russian Federation are a direct violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War of 12 August 1949.

I appeal to the international community to apply all possible sanctions to the Russian Federation.

Every new hour of the aggressor's military intervention takes dozens of lives in Ukraine.