08/02/2022 09:32

Commissioner: Ukrainian citizen Oleksandr Lobur, who is unjustifiably detained in the pre-trial detention center of the Makeyevka Correctional Colony №97 in the ORDO, faces the death penalty

Oleksandr Lobur, a citizen of Ukraine, who is being unjustifiably detained in the pre-trial detention center of the Makeyevka Correctional Colony №97 in the ORDO, faces the death penalty. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

On April 7, 2020, five employees of the so-called "Ministry of State Security of the DPR" broke into Oleksandr Lobur's house in Amvrosiivka in the temporarily occupied Donetsk region. After searches of the house, they accused Alexander of arms and drug trafficking, handcuffed him and drove him in an unknown direction.

Initially, the man was detained under administrative arrest for 30 days, but Oleksandr has been illegally detained for almost two years by representatives of the occupation administration. Now he is accused of "Art. 321 of the Criminal Code of the DPR "-" espionage ", the sanction of which provides for 10 to 20 years in prison, in wartime - the death penalty with confiscation of property.

The fact of illegal detention of Oleksandr Lobur by representatives of the occupation authorities has not been confirmed yet.

According to the Ombudsman's information from relatives, Oleksandr suffers from chronic acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis. He is recommended only dietary, hourly food, which cannot be provided in a pre-trial detention center. Due to a long stay in unsanitary conditions, his body was covered with boils.

No medical care is provided to Alexander. He only receives medicines, which he manages to pass on from time to time to his mother and the staff of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Alexander has no connection with his family.

"All the above actions against Oleksandr Lobur are violations not only of Ukrainian law but also of international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Rules of War, the Additional Protocols to the 1977 Geneva Conventions and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1950, "said Lyudmila Denisova.

The Commissioner appealed to the ICRC leadership in Ukraine to pay an urgent visit to Oleksandr Lobur and facilitate his immediate release.

The Ombudsman also asked the OSCE Co-ordinator in the Humanitarian Subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Charlotte Relander, to intervene personally to raise the issue of his release.