27/02/2022 17:21

Уповноважений: дії збройних сил РФ спрямовані на створення техногенної катастрофи є екоцидом

The devastating consequences of the military invasion of the aggressor state for our country are difficult to assess.  And the enemy purposefully makes them even bigger using Hitler's tactics of "scorched earth".

Covering cities and villages with heavy artillery fire, Russian troops are destroying civilian infrastructure, including those that could cause irreparable damage to the environmental situation in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

Only today, due to rocket fire, a radioactive waste disposal site of the Kyiv branch of the Radon Association in Kyiv was hit, and a storage facility for oil products at the KLO base in the Kyiv region burned down.

The actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are aimed at creating a man-made disaster and are nothing more than an ecocide.

Attacks on high-risk objects pose a threat of environmental pollution not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders, as well as violation of the right of everyone to a safe environment for life and health.

According to Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, signed by both Ukraine and the Russian Federation, war crimes include intentional assault when it is known that it will cause accidental widespread, long-term and serious damage to the environment incomparable to  expected military superiority.