14/01/2022 09:49

Commissioner: brothers Serhiy and Dmytro Kharaberyushi, who are illegally detained in the Makeyevka Correctional Colony №32 in the ORDO, are subjected to severe torture for their pro-Ukrainian position

Brothers Serhiy and Dmytro Kharaberyushi, who are illegally detained by the Russian occupation administration in Makeyevka Correctional Facility G32, are being brutally tortured for their pro-Ukrainian stance. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

The Commissioner reminded that the brothers were detained on August 18, 2017 on the way to work - Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. They were forcibly pushed into a minibus and taken to the so-called "Ministry of State Security of the DPR." There, the brothers were beaten and tortured with electric shocks, demanding recognition that they were relatives of Ukrainian counterintelligence officer Oleksandr Kharaberyush, who died in Mariupol in 2017.

Later, Serhiy and Dmytro were transferred to the DNR State Security Prison - Isolation, where fistfights between the detainees took place. Serhiy was thrown into the basement, and Dmytro was thrown into cell G8, where he was forced to mock another hostage. When Dmytro disagreed, his kidneys were knocked out.

According to the Ombudsman, the torture was not limited to this. In particular, one of the brothers was ordered to cut the grass in the field with mine stretchers with a lawn mower. In order not to explode, the grass had to be pulled out by hand.

On May 18, 2018, the Kharaberyush brothers were transferred from Isolation to the Donetsk pre-trial detention center. In court, they were accused of "espionage" and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

"All the above actions against the Haraberyush brothers are violations not only of Ukrainian law but also of international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Rules of War, the Additional Protocols to the 1977 Geneva Conventions and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1950, "said Lyudmila Denisova.

The Commissioner appealed to the ICRC leadership in Ukraine to pay an urgent visit to the Haraberyush brothers, facilitate his immediate hospitalization and provide qualified medical care. She also asked the OSCE Coordinator in the Charity Subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Charlotte Relander, to intervene personally to provide appropriate assistance and raise the issue of his release on health grounds.