07/05/2022 15:42

The aggressor is implementing a policy of terror in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhia region

The occupiers are carrying out filtering measures against local residents, preventing evacuations to safe regions of Ukraine and rob agricultural enterprises.

In the village of Chernihivka, the occupiers want to take away people's land.  They are forced to fill in a form by May 8, which states how much land the owner has, how much - for rent.  Only then will a land use license be issued.  Otherwise, the commandant will select all the land, which is not specified, in the papers of the occupiers.

In Mykhailivka, the occupiers are introducing their own temporary tax system for entrepreneurs.  Those who want to continue working in the community must re-register under the rules of the invaders.  The russians also claim that they demanded only a "military tax", and all new taxes will be paid by entrepreneurs only to the community.

In Energodar, the thermal power plant has run out of coal, and it is not possible to organize its regular supply due to the occupation of the city.

The occupying power in Energodar has completed the registration of citizens for allegedly receiving social benefits.  Now the russians have started registering entrepreneurs.  Those who do not come to the administration and do not register will not be able to work in the city.

According to residents of occupied Vasylivka, the russian military in the city is trying to exchange one SIM card of a Ukrainian mobile operator for gasoline worth UAH 15 per liter.  In Dniprorudny, two SIM cards are exchanged for a car at once.  The reason is that the occupiers want to call each other and home, but they don't have phones, and so do they.

Terror and ill-treatment of civilians in the occupied territories is a war crime under the Statute of the International Military Tribunal and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and a violation of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during the Russian Military Invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.