22/02/2022 09:16

Commissioner: 34-year-old citizen of Ukraine Roman Sagaidak illegally detained in Sverdlovsk Correctional Colony №38 in ORLO

Roman Sagaidak, a 34-year-old Ukrainian citizen, is being held illegally in the Sverdlovsk Correctional Facility №38 in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk Oblast. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

Roman is a resident of Sorokin (until 2016 - Krasnodon). He worked as a rescuer, later started his own business on gemological examination of precious and semiprecious stones.

On June 30, 2017, near his own office in Luhansk, unknown individuals put a bag on Roman's head and took him away in an unknown direction. Relatives are convinced that Roman was detained in order to raid his business, because the equipment was confiscated from the office, as well as 5 cars, which are currently driven by representatives of the so-called "MDB LNR".

Nothing was known about Roman for more than a month. Later, the mother was allowed to see her son in the premises of the so-called "MDB LNR". There were traces of torture, broken teeth, broken ribs and fingers.

Roman was initially accused of "organizing a terrorist attack" in temporarily occupied Luhansk on July 7, 2017, but at that time he was already in prison, so he was later charged with "espionage in favor of Ukraine."

At the end of November 2018, Roman Sagaidak was sentenced to 13 years in prison with confiscation of property. On the eve of the announcement of the "sentence", Roman was pressured to plead guilty - even kidnapped his father - Alexander Sagaidak, who was later released "under house arrest."

Roman is currently being held in the Sverdlovsk Correctional Facility №38. As a result of his torture, he has heart problems, angina, and chronic bronchitis. He is not receiving any medical care.

"Such actions against Roman Sagaidak, a citizen of Ukraine, violate not only Ukrainian law but also international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Rules of War, the Additional Protocols to the 1977 Geneva Conventions and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. people of 1950 ", - Ludmila Denisova emphasized.

The Commissioner appeals to the ICRC leadership in Ukraine to urgently visit Roman Sagaidak, facilitate his immediate hospitalization and provide qualified medical care.

The Ombudsman asked the OSCE Co-ordinator in the Charity Subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Charlotte Relander, to intervene personally to provide appropriate assistance.