11/02/2022 09:20

Commissioner: 25-year-old citizen of Ukraine Dmytro Orobiy is illegally detained for the second year in a row in the Krasnolutsk correctional colony №19 in ORLO

Dmytro Orobiy, a 25-year-old citizen of Ukraine, has been illegally detained for the second year in a row in the Krasnolutsk correctional colony G19 in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region. This was announced by the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova.

Dmytro is a resident of the temporarily occupied Alchevsk, Luhansk region. In 2014, the young man entered the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the East Ukrainian National University. V. Dahl, who due to the temporary occupation of Luhansk operates in Severodonetsk.

The first year he studied remotely and only when the checkpoint was set up across the demarcation line, he went to the controlled government of Ukraine in Severodonetsk, where during the 3-4th year he had an internship at the Luhansk Regional Civil-Military Administration in the Department of Public Affairs.

After graduating, he could not find a job in Severodonetsk, so he returned home to Alchevsk, where his family lived. He first worked as a salesman in a store, then got a job as a clerk at one of the companies, where on June 16, 2020, representatives of the occupation administration detained him on the first working day.

For 40 days, neither Dmytro's relatives nor friends from Severodonetsk knew about Dmytro's whereabouts - the phone did not answer.

It became known from Dmytro that the so-called "Ministry of State Security of the People's Republic of Belarus" was being held in prison from representatives of the occupation administration, who came to search his parents' house.

On February 5, 2021, the so-called "Supreme Court of the People's Republic of China" sentenced Dmytro Orobiy to 12 years in prison under Article 335 of the Criminal Code of the People's Republic of Belarus ("treason").

Dmytro's eyesight deteriorated significantly during his imprisonment: high intraocular pressure caused retinal detachment, which can lead to complete blindness. He also has problems with blood pressure. He is not provided with any medical care in the penal colony. Relatives are deprived of meetings with Dmitry. They only donate drugs, but it is unknown whether he will receive them.

"All the above actions against Dmytro Orobi are violations not only of Ukrainian law but also of international law, including the 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Rules of War, the Additional Protocols to the 1977 Geneva Conventions and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. 1950 ", - said Lyudmila Denisova.

The Commissioner called on the ICRC leadership in Ukraine to visit Dmytro Orobi immediately, facilitate his immediate release, and asked the OSCE Coordinator in the Humanitarian Subgroup of the Tripartite Contact Group, Charlotte Relander, to intervene personally to raise the issue of his release.