03/05/2022 13:20

Today is World Press Freedom Day

Every year on May 3, World Press Freedom Day is celebrated, which is a kind of reminder to the governments of all countries of the need to promote and respect freedom of the press.

In the conditions of war, the work of the media is a powerful weapon, because the information front is no less important for our Victory.

Thanks to the work of the media, millions of people around the world receive objective information about the crimes committed by the occupying country in Ukraine.

Press workers visit the hottest spots in our country, often risking their own lives and health.  23 journalists have already died at the hands of the rashist horde.

I thank the media soldiers for your work!  Bright memory to those of you who died in this war!

Every step and every word of truth brings our common Victory closer!

Glory to Ukraine!  Glory to the heroes!