08/04/2022 16:40

Today is the International Roma Day

April 8 marks the International Roma Day, launched in 1971 in London (England) at the World Congress of Roma.

30 years of Ukraine's independence this date was an occasion to draw attention to the original culture and history of the Roma ethnic group, to overcome discrimination and to develop the harmonious coexistence of all nationalities in our country.

Today, Roma, Ukrainians and all 130 nationalities living in Ukraine who consider it their Homeland are being oppressed and terrorized by the terrorist state of Russia.

The aggressor who started the genocide of all our diverse people.

But the enemy did not take into account that on the Ukrainian land for millennia of glorious history grew the UNITED FREE PEOPLE.

Nobody can break us while we are together, as long as we support each other regardless of nationality, gender, age, side by side, each in his place defending and protecting our State.

So let today be another occasion to lend a hand to each other - Ukrainians, Roma, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians.

Ahead of us awaits the glorious Victory and a free Ukraine for each of us!