10/02/2022 12:35

Results of an unscheduled monitoring visit to the Bakhmut Penitentiary Institution №6 on violation of the rights of detainees

On the basis of the information provided in the appeal of the cohabitant of the convict G., who is serving his sentence in the State Institution "Bakhmut Penitentiary Institution" №6 on the application of illegal measures of physical restraint by prisoners residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions Konstantin Chernikov and employees of the Office Alexander Dvornik, Alexander Dubina and Anton Petrov made an unscheduled monitoring visit to verify these facts.

During the visit, the Secretariat conducted a confidential conversation with 26 prisoners, during which it was established that on January 27, 2022, the administration of the institution applied physical measures and handcuffs to some prisoners. In addition, it was established that on January 27, 2022, two prisoners inflicted cut wounds on their left forearm, after which they received appropriate medical and psychological assistance.

The monitoring group found that the facts of infliction of bodily injuries were registered in the prescribed manner in the penitentiary № 6, Bakhmut RVP GUNP in Donetsk region and sent special messages to the South-Eastern Interregional Department for Execution of Criminal Punishments of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

On each fact of application of measures of physical influence (bending of a hand behind a back) and application of special means - handcuffs of BR which took place on January 27, 2022 in Bakhmut penitentiary institution "G6" were prepared and sent by administration of the institution Uhrovetsky, in accordance with the requirements of Article 18 of the Law of Ukraine "On Pre-trial Detention" and a medical examination of prisoners, as a result of which no injuries were found. This fact 31.011.2022 entered into ERDR with preliminary qualification part 2 of article 365 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (excess of power or official authority by law enforcement officer) pre-trial investigation is carried out by the State Bureau of Investigation, located in Kramatorsk, Donetsk region.

The inspection of the pre-trial detention cells revealed non-compliance with the norms of the number of prisoners, some cells had mold on the walls, there was no ventilation system and proper natural light, and the ceilings of the cells needed repair work.

Based on the results of the unscheduled monitoring visit, a report and appropriate response letters are being prepared.