20/01/2022 15:34

Results of the monitoring visit to the department of inpatient care for permanent or temporary residence in the village of Korytne, Chernivtsi region

Leonid Melnikov, Regional Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Commissioner for Human Rights in Chernivtsi Oblast, and Bohdan Boyko, Regional Public Relations Coordinator, visited the Department of Inpatient Care for Permanent or Temporary Residence of the Vyzhnytsia City Council's Center for Social Services rights of residents.

The monitoring group noted that the staff of the department as a whole is making appropriate efforts to ensure decent living for the residents.

The entrance group of the residential building is equipped with a ramp to meet the needs of less mobile groups.

The wards are provided with living rooms, 4 balanced meals, have the opportunity to walk around the institution and relax in the fresh air in the gazebo, protected from the sun and rain.

At the same time, the monitoring group identified some shortcomings in the activities of the department. The norm of the area per person in living rooms is not observed, in rooms with an area of 7-16 m2 there are from 1 to 3 people. Insufficient area of the rooms does not allow to place the necessary furniture in them, in some rooms there is no necessary number of bedside tables, there are no tables.

The level of lighting in living rooms does not meet the established requirements. Food storage conditions are not met. Cookies, which should be stored at a temperature of + 18ºC, were stored in the refrigerator, and its shelf life expired on December 25, 2021.

Herring, which expired on January 12, 2022, was stored and prepared for issuance to the wards. A significant number of sausages with the recommended storage temperature from 0ºC to + 6ºC were stored in the freezer in frozen form.

During the visit, the monitoring group identified a person who is in the institution without the necessary documents.

The validity of individual plans for the provision of social inpatient care services in one part of the wards at the time of the visit expired, and for the other part of the wards these plans were not drawn up at all.

Several contracts for the provision of social services to wards were identified, which expired and were not extended.

Control over the implementation of individual rehabilitation plans for people with disabilities is not organized. There is no information about the rights and responsibilities of wards and about the addresses and telephone numbers of officials and hotlines that can be contacted by residents in case of violation of their rights and legitimate interests. A number of other shortcomings and violations have been identified.

Based on the results of the monitoring visit, acts of response are being prepared to the management of the municipal institution "Center for Social Services" of Vyzhnytsia City Council of Chernivtsi region.