11/02/2022 09:50

A representative of the Commissioner for Equal Rights and Freedoms took part in the presentation of the annual report "United Against Violence. The situation of LGBT people in Ukraine in 2021"

The representative of the Commissioner for Equal Rights and Freedoms Viktor Ivankevych took part in the presentation of the annual report of the United World Center "United Against Violence". The situation of LGBT people in Ukraine in 2021 ".

During the event, the progress made in 2021 in the field of protection of the rights of the LGBT community was discussed, in particular:

lifting the ban on donations for homosexuals;

the beginning of consideration in the European Court of Human Rights of the case "Maimulahin v. Ukraine" on the recognition of same-sex families;

submission to the Parliament of a draft law on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Combating Discrimination (Register № 5488 of 13.05.2021);

the beginning of the development by the Office of the Prosecutor General of methodological recommendations for the investigation of hate crimes, etc.

In addition, they discussed problematic issues that still remain unresolved:

the practice of investigating hate incidents and crimes on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity remains unsatisfactory;

registration of legislative initiatives against the LGBT community;

promotion, in particular, by radical and religious organizations of ideas for the protection of the "traditional family and traditional family values", etc.

Viktor Ivankevych said that the most common problems in the field of protection of the rights of the LGBT community in 2021 were the spread of homophobic rhetoric and hate crimes on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

The representative of the Commissioner informed about the response measures taken in this direction by the Secretariat of the Commissioner, including consideration of citizens' appeals, media monitoring and cooperation with partner organizations and stressed that the issue of protecting the rights of LGBT people remains in the spotlight.