15/02/2022 17:00

The Ombudsman's Office continues its awareness-raising campaign in the field of personal data protection

Acting Director of the Department for Personal Data Protection Andriy Krasnoshchok conducted training for civil servants in the field of "Personal Data Protection".

This course was developed by the Commissioner in cooperation with the Ukrainian School of Government within the Joint Project "The European Union and the Council of Europe are working together to strengthen the Ombudsman's operational capacity to protect human rights."

The aim of the course is to increase the level of public understanding of the importance of respect for privacy. Deepening and systematization of knowledge on the implementation of legislation on personal data protection, increasing the level of professionalism in the implementation of tasks in the field of personal data protection.

50 civil servants took part in the training.

Raising awareness in the field of personal data protection is one of the priorities of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights.