24/04/2022 12:20

On the eve of one of the biggest Orthodox holidays, the racist army continued to actively shell peaceful cities in Ukraine and kill civilians

Three policemen and one woman were injured in the shelling of Kharkiv.  On April 23, 2022, the Russian military fired artillery on the Kyiv district of Kharkiv.  A 62-year-old woman was injured in the shelling.  The shopping center and nearby houses were damaged.  When police arrived at the scene, they began helping to transport the wounded woman.  However, the russian occupiers opened fire again on the area.

 Russian servicemen fired on the village of Slatine in the Kharkiv region.  The shell hit a house.  As a result, two men died.

 On April 23, the russians killed four more civilians in the Donetsk region: two in Korovyn Yar, one in Yampol, and one in Novoselivka.  9 more people were injured.

 Luhansk region under russian fire: eight dead, two wounded, destruction of at least seven houses and a police station.

 Six people died after yesterday's artillery attack on the towns of Gorske and Zolote.  Two more people were seriously injured.  It also became known about two victims in whom the russians took their lives - a few days ago an enemy shell hit a house in Popasna.  Two women, who unfortunately could not be saved, were trapped.  In addition, yesterday afternoon SES officers evacuated three people from shelling in Rubezhnoye.

 The russians fired 12 times at the peaceful homes of Luhansk residents on April 23.

The victims were, in particular, Gorske, Zolote, Lysychansk, and Severodonetsk.

 In the Zaporozhye region yesterday, three people who worked in the garden were killed by artillery shelling by racists.

 Kherson region: the situation is tense.  The russians are shelling the settlements of the region and in the direction of neighboring regions.  Kherson region is on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.

 Mykolayiv region: shelling of the city and settlements of the region.  Previously without victims.

The killing of civilians, shelling of civilian cities and civilian objects by the aggressor army is war crimes and crimes against humanity under Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court and gross violation of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Additional Protocols.

 I appeal to the UN Commission for Investigation Human Rights Violations during Russia's military invasion of Ukraine to take into account these facts of crimes and human rights violations in Ukraine.

I call on international partners to close the skies over Ukraine and provide weapons to fight the aggressor country of Russia!