30/11/2023 21:30

119 Ukrainian defenders who are currently held in captivity in Russia received a visit

This was made possible through mutual arrangements between the Offices of the Commissioners of Ukraine and of the Russian Federation.

We visited the same number of Russian soldiers who are in captivity on the territory of our state.

The employees of our Office talked with the Russians and once again made sure that our country adheres to the Geneva Conventions. Every prisoner of war is well-fed, provided with means of hygiene, has the right to work and the opportunity to go for walks. Medical assistance is also provided at the request of prisoners of war. Humanitarian packages with belongings and food products were also handed over to everyone.

The Russians, in turn, talked to our defenders. According to them, medical assistance is also provided and it was possible for prisoners to make phone calls to relatives. Captured Ukrainian soldiers recorded video messages for their relatives, which will soon be delivered to the addressees.